
Blazor is a .NET frontend web framework that supports both server-side rendering and client interactivity in a single programming model



Material UI

  • Add material UI design system
    • color primary by techno
    • layout with app bar & collapsable sidemenu to rail

💡 Easy intergration using MudBlazor. Excellent DX !

    <MudAppBar Elevation="1" Color="Color.Primary" Dense="true">
        <MudIconButton Icon="@Icons.Material.Outlined.Menu" Color="Color.Inherit" Edge="Edge.Start" OnClick="((e) => ToggleDrawer())"/>
        @if (!HostingEnvironmentService.IsWebAssembly)
            <MudProgressCircular Class="ml-2" Size="Size.Small" Color="Color.Inherit" Indeterminate="true"></MudProgressCircular>
        <MudIconButton Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Brightness4" Color="Color.Inherit" OnClick="ToggleTheme"/>
        <MudIconButton Href="" Target="_blank" Icon="@Icons.Custom.Brands.GitHub" Color="Color.Inherit"/>
        <LoginDisplay />
    <MudDrawer @bind-open="DrawerOpen" ClipMode="DrawerClipMode.Always" Elevation="2" Variant="DrawerVariant.Mini" MiniWidth="60px">
    <MudMainContent Class="mt-16 pa-4">
    private bool DrawerOpen { get; set; } = true;

    public void ToggleDrawer()
        DrawerOpen = !DrawerOpen;

Version endpoint

💡 Expose custom server endpoint to "/version" using a simple asp net minimal API endpoint

app.MapGet("/version", () => new { Version = "1.0.0" });

Server side rendering

  • Expose frontend web application with SSR
    • pre-rendering page with data
    • fallback into interactive UI

💡 Let blazor handle the magic :




        <Routes @rendermode="InteractiveAuto" />
        <script src="_framework/blazor.web.js"></script>
  • Handle OIDC auth over keycloak SSO
  • Cookie & antiforgery token
  • Login / Logout clean process

💡 Simple OIDC asp net authentication

        services.AddAuthentication(options =>
                options.DefaultScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
                options.DefaultChallengeScheme = OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
            .AddOpenIdConnect(OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, options =>
                options.Authority = oidcAuthenticationOptions.Authority;
                options.ClientId = oidcAuthenticationOptions.ClientId;
                options.ClientSecret = oidcAuthenticationOptions.ClientSecret;

                options.SignInScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
                options.ResponseType = OpenIdConnectResponseType.Code;

                options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
                options.SaveTokens = true;
                options.AuthenticationMethod = OpenIdConnectRedirectBehavior.RedirectGet;
                options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
                    NameClaimType = oidcAuthenticationOptions.NameClaimType,
                    RoleClaimType = oidcAuthenticationOptions.RoleClaimType

                foreach (var item in oidcAuthenticationOptions.Scopes)

Proxying API

💡 Using YARP

  "ReverseProxy": {
    "Routes": {
      "post-service" : {
        "ClusterId": "post-service",
        "Match": {
          "Path": "/api/todos/{**catch-all}"
        "Transforms": [
            "PathRemovePrefix": "/api"
    "Clusters": {
      "post-service": {
        "Destinations": {
          "post-service": {
            "Address": ""

GraphQL gateway

💡 Using Hotchocolate GraphQL gateway

GraphQL configuration

var builder = services.AddGraphQLServer();

foreach (var scalar in gatewayOptions.Scalars)
    builder.AddType(new AnyType(scalar));

foreach (var schema in gatewayOptions.Schemas)
        .AddHttpClient(schema.Name, c => c.BaseAddress = new Uri(schema.Url))


    var subgraph = services.AddGraphQL(schema.Name);
    foreach (var scalar in gatewayOptions.Scalars)
        subgraph.AddType(new AnyType(scalar));



  "GraphQLGateway": {
    "Scalars" : ["date", "timestamptz", "uuid"],
    "Schemas": [
        "Name": "Countries",
        "Url": ""

Auto generated SDK

  • SDK to consume BFF GraphQL schema
    • Auto generate it from BFF url
    • Use it in frontend application

💡 Using Hotchocolate Strawberry Shake

cd ./src/blazor/Microscope.Boilerplate.Clients.SDK.GraphQL
dotnet new tool-manifest
dotnet tool install StrawberryShake.Tools
dotnet add package StrawberryShake.Blazor
dotnet graphql init http://localhost:5215/graphql -n BffClient
query GetContinents {
    continents {
dotnet build

Add SDK reference to Blazor project

<UseGetContinents Context="result">
                @foreach (var item in result.Continents)
                    <MudListItem Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.List">@item.Name</MudListItem>
        <MudSkeleton SkeletonType="SkeletonType.Rectangle" Height="50px" />
        <MudSkeleton SkeletonType="SkeletonType.Rectangle" Height="50px" Class="mt-4" />

Light / Dark theme

  • Theme switcher implementation

💡 Using MudBlazor "MudThemingProvider"

Defining theme

public static MudTheme DarkTheme = new MudTheme()
    Palette = new Palette()
        Black = "#27272f",
        Background = "#32333d",
        BackgroundGrey = "#27272f",
        Primary = Colors.Cyan.Darken3,
        Surface = "#373740",
        DrawerBackground = "#27272f",
        DrawerText = "rgba(255,255,255, 0.50)",
        AppbarBackground = "#27272f",
        AppbarText = "rgba(255,255,255, 0.70)",
        TextPrimary = "rgba(255,255,255, 0.70)",
        TextSecondary = "rgba(255,255,255, 0.50)",
        ActionDefault = "#ffffff",
        ActionDisabled = "rgba(255,255,255, 0.26)",
        ActionDisabledBackground = "rgba(255,255,255, 0.12)",
        DrawerIcon = "rgba(255,255,255, 0.50)"

Apply theme

<MudThemingProvider Theme="_currentTheme" />


  • I18N switcher : FR & EN

💡 Using resources files & Localization

server side & client side

services.AddLocalization(options => options.ResourcesPath = "Resources" );

set culture endpoint

app.MapGet("/culture", (HttpContext context, string? culture, string? redirectUri) =>
    if (culture != null)
        var requestCulture = new RequestCulture(culture, culture);
        var cookieName = CookieRequestCultureProvider.DefaultCookieName;
        var cookieValue = CookieRequestCultureProvider.MakeCookieValue(requestCulture);

        context.Response.Cookies.Append(cookieName, cookieValue);

    return Results.Redirect(redirectUri ?? "/");

client side set culture based on cookie (for SSR WASM fallback)

var host = builder.Build();

var cookieService = host.Services.GetRequiredService<CookieService>();
var cultureCookie = await cookieService.GetCultureFromCookie();

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cultureCookie))
    var culture = CookieRequestCultureProvider.ParseCookieValue(cultureCookie)?.Cultures.FirstOrDefault().ToString();
    if (culture is not null)
        var cultureInfo = new CultureInfo(culture);
        CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = cultureInfo;
        CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = cultureInfo;

await host.RunAsync();

razor page

@inject IStringLocalizer<Continents> Loc
<MudText Class="mb-8">@Loc["SubTitle"]</MudText>

Feature management

  • BFF expose feature management configuration
    • Enable / disable flag from config
    • A/B testing use case

💡 Using Microsoft.FeatureManagement.AspNetCore

client page

public class ClientFeatureManagementService(HttpClient client) : IFeatureManagementService
    public async Task<Dictionary<string, bool>?> GetFeatureManagement()
        return await client.GetFromJsonAsync<Dictionary<string, bool>>("/api/features");

server page

public class ServerFeatureManagementService(IFeatureManager featureManager) : IFeatureManagementService
    public async Task<Dictionary<string, bool>?> GetFeatureManagement()
        return await featureManager.GetFeatureNamesAsync()
                feature => feature, 
                feature => featureManager.IsEnabledAsync(feature).GetAwaiter().GetResult());

endpoint feature management

public static void MapFeatureManagementEndpoints(this WebApplication app)
    app.MapGet("/api/features", async (IFeatureManagementService featureManagementService) => 
        await featureManagementService.GetFeatureManagement());

pages or layout

<FeatureFlag FlagName="ShowUserPage">
    <MudNavLink Href="user" Match="NavLinkMatch.Prefix" Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.VerifiedUser">@Loc["User"]</MudNavLink>